Friday, November 12, 2010

The Power of the Light of Christ

No one lights a lamp and hides it under a jar or puts it under a bed.  Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.  -Luke 8:16 

I was looking outside the other night and contemplating how early it gets dark now that we have gone off of daylight savings time and winter is on the way.  Then I found myself considering the folks who live in parts of Alaska who have to handle months of darkness every winter.  No doubt they have come to appreciate the light, and not just the sun in the sky, but the light they have in their homes.  In times of cold and darkness we are naturally drawn to the light.  In the light we are reassured and comforted that the darkness is kept at bay and will soon be gone. 

Jesus said that we light lamps for the express purpose of giving off light to a room.  It would not make any sense to light a lamp and then hide it under a bed, for that would defeat the purpose of lighting the lamp in the first place.  Having lit the lamp, we then hold it up so that others can see as well.  The light provides illumination for us as well as others who come into the house.  Within this analogy we see a powerful picture of the gospel of Jesus Christ in a sin-darkened world.  Now more than ever we need the blessed light the Lord Jesus provides.

The spiritual darkness that is all around us can feel overwhelming at times.  We look around and see that countless people are going out of their way to go against God and all that the Bible stands for.  As we proclaim the gospel we are holding forth the light of Christ, and that light is more powerful than all the darkness of the world combined.  Jesus Christ can drive the darkness from individual lives and He can drive the darkness from the world.   

Do you feel that you have become overwhelmed with the darkness of sin?  Is there a loved one, a friend, or a co-worker who has seemingly embraced that darkness?  If so there is hope in Jesus Christ.  The Lord has the power to make the vilest sinner clean, and He can wash the stain of sin completely from our lives.  As we are cleansed in Christ the darkness of sin, along with its power, is driven from us. 

Walk forward in the light of Christ today.  Live in that blessed light and share the light with others.  Claim the victory that is ours in Jesus Christ.  The troubled soul finds life, light, hope, and forgiveness in Christ.  New life is waiting in the Lord today.

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