Friday, June 4, 2010

Stop Doubting, Start Believing

But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.  –James 1:6 

The Scripture teaches that God works everything out according to His time and His purposes.  The problem comes when we begin to question why something happened the way that it did.  Not only do we question why, but we might also question why now?  True faith motivates us to look beyond the “whys”  to the greater purpose of God’s will for our lives.  True faith is the kind of faith that believes God without ever becoming bitter and trusts God without doubt.  Bitterness and doubt have ever been the enemies of pure faith.  This is why Jesus challenges us, as He did Thomas, to “Stop doubting and believe” (John 20:27).

What happens to faith when doubt creeps in?  You know the answer: Our faith diminishes in strength.  However, when we allow the power of the Holy Spirit to drive doubt and unbelief from our lives, the result is vibrant faith that is ever moving forward despite the obstacles that are in our way.  These obstacles can take the form of disappointments, fear, heartaches, problems, and all sorts of frustrations.  We might even have to face some sort of crisis that threatens our lives or the life of someone close to us.  During those times faith in Christ keeps us anchored in Him.  And if we are anchored we will not be moved, swayed, nor tossed about by the trials of life.  We will be able to stand firm – not in our power, but by the power of Christ in us.    

In what area is your faith being tested right now?  What has been your response?  Rather than question why, seek instead to trust God that in His time and according to His will you will come through as you are lead by His strong and mighty hand.  Questioning why leads us nowhere.  Trusting Christ, in pure and unquestioning faith, moves mountains.    

I have prayed the following prayer more times that I can remember: “Lord, I will believe upon You, and in You will I trust.  Remove my doubts, my fears, and my uncertainties.  My life is in Your hands.”    

Faith in the Lord Jesus always brings comfort to the troubled soul.  Stand firm and trust the Lord.  He will bring you through whatever storm you are facing.