Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bearing With One Another in Love and Support

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  -Colossians 3:13

The Word of God says that we are called to bear one another’s burdens and forgive any grievances we might have against each other.  Such an attitude is in perfect agreement with what the Lord Jesus has told us to do: "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you" (Matthew 6:14).  We are to be so forgiving and supportive that we truly feel each other's pain when we face trials and difficulties. Such empathy and compassion extends to a wide variety of experiences and shared problems.

Many years ago I had a friend who served on staff at another church, and this man had never married.  He would often call me and want to talk about his problems; how lonely he was, and how much he wanted to find a wife.  I almost told him once that maybe if he stopped calling me so much he’d have more time to be out looking for a wife.  I truly felt bad for him because he was terribly lonely.  When he would call me, and I would think, “Oh no, not again; I don’t want to hear him talk about his troubles,” I recalled the words of Scripture about bearing with each other.  It seems I have dispensed a lot of advice over the years to lonely young men who wanted to get married.  Usually what I tell them is, wait on the Lord.  Keep looking, but be sure to wait on the Lord.  

There will be times when friendships, relationships, family situations, those we know at church, and neighbors, will test the limits of our patience.  We may at times find ourselves feeling the actual stress of those we are trying to support, comfort, and help bear their burdens.  When we feel that way, recall that this is what the Bible says is natural for believers.  Who knows when the time will come that we need the support and comfort of someone?  During that time a trusted friend or brother in Christ may be the one bearing our burdens and sharing our pain.  

Who among us perfect?  Who among us has no problems, faults, or flaws?  What person around us never makes mistakes of any kind?  I certainly make  mistakes and I have more than my share of weaknesses.  I am confident that you do as well.  How comforting to know that the Lord Jesus loves us, cares for us, and nurtures us through all of life's struggles.  As He cares for us we can in turn care for one another.

Some troubled soul is nearby and in need of a kind word, a healing embrace, or a warm, smile.  Might you be that troubled soul today?  Don't forget that the Lord loves us more that we can imagine.  Having experienced that love, go forth and share it with another.

Love, support, and forgive one another.  This is our high calling in Christ.

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