Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father’s Day!

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.  –Ephesians 6:4 

The Word of God provides us with plenty of clear pictures of what a godly man looks like.  On Father’s Day we would emphasize that these traits are suited to the man who desires to be a good father.  And perhaps not just a good father, but a great father – the best he can possibly be.  We know what a rotten dad looks like, don’t we?  This is the guy who takes money intended for groceries to feed his family and then uses it for drugs and alcohol.  Or this terrible excuse for a father might be the type that causes his wife and kids to live in utter fear of him lest he physically harm them in some way.  The only hope for such a man is to repent and give his heart to Jesus Christ.  Only then will he find the power to rise up and become the husband, father, and man that the Lord would have him to be.

So, we know what constitutes a bad father, but what makes a good one?  A good father is one who invests of his time, talents, resources, and affection into the lives of his children.  He is willing to devote as much time as possible in the pursuit of raising them to become responsible and productive adults.  In the process, he allows them to be children as well.  He is willing to play ball with them, take them fishing, throw some Frisbee, attend their ballgames and school performances, and be there when they need him.  Furthermore, he is open enough to let his kids see that he is human; prone to mistakes and failures just like anyone else.  He is not above going back and apologizing to one of his children if he said something unkind or wasn’t there when they needed him.  If he has sons, he models for them how a man is supposed to treat a woman.  He demonstrates to his sons that he loves his wife, their mother, with the sacrificial kind of love taught in Scripture.    

To the fathers reading this, I would offer the challenge of continuing to be godly men, good dads, and devoted husbands.  I can say from personal experience that our kids will grow up very quickly.  The best legacy we can leave them is a godly example of what a man is supposed to be.  Our efforts will not have been in vain.  God honors the prayerful and earnest desire of His servants to become the men he has called us to be. 

So, my brothers, keep working.  Our jobs are nowhere near finished.  Happy Father’s Day!

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