Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Seeking Peace and Happiness

A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.  –Proverbs 15:13 

The other day I was reading an article on Yahoo.com and the subject was on ways to be happier.  This subject is close to my heart because I have experienced depression in my life and I often encounter in my ministry people who are also battling this affliction.  The Lord has taught me some wonderful strategies for maintaining a positive outlook and avoiding the trap of falling back into depression.  So anytime I see an article about how to be happier and cope with depression I am immediately interested. The article I read was called, “6 Natural Ways to Feel Happier,” by Lucy DanzigerYou can find the article at this link: 

Ms. Danziger stated that some of the ways we can be happier and manage depression, or just a case of the blues, is to try the following: 

-Exercise.  I agree with this whole-heartedly.  It doesn’t have to be anything fancy: a daily walk, aerobics, or some basic calisthenics.  The results will astound you.
-Eat healthy.  Some years ago when I was struggling with depression, someone suggested that I pay more careful attention to my diet.  I eventually took that advice and the results were remarkable.  I try to eat a more well-balanced diet and I have more energy throughout the day. 
-Get better sleep.  Alas, this is a great suggestion, but I am often guilty of not getting enough sleep.  Countless studies have shown that getting 7-8 hours of good sleep a night on a consistent basis will work wonders for our overall health.
-Get out in the light.  This is another wonderful suggestion.  Spending time in the sunlight, even for a little while each day, can work wonders for our frame of mind.  Anytime I find myself spending s period of hours at my desk studying or working inside, I make a point to get outside for a while and just walk around in the sun.  It truly does make a difference. 
-Pick up the phone and call a friend.  When I feel the blues creeping in, I will often pick up the phone and call a trusted friend for no other reason than to just say “hi.” Even a 15 minute conversation, a few laughs, and some gentle banter can remind us that we are connected and we are not alone.
-Set aside some quiet time.  Allow me to add to what Ms. Danziger said about this.  She suggests meditation or 10 minutes or so of deep breathing each morning.  I would change this to a period of time in God’s Word and prayer.  That is ever the best way to begin each day and fortify ourselves for whatever is waiting for us that day. 

The abundant life in Christ is waiting for all who will seek it.  However, that blessed abundant life will not happen automatically.  We are called to rise up, move forward, and by faith and take hold of the victories the Lord has in store for us.  Christ has not called us to defeat, but to victory in Him and through Him.  Even the most troubled and hopeless soul can find this blessed abundant life.  Never give up on seeking what the Lord has in store for us.  Christ’s riches of spiritual blessings are available to all.