Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blessed is the King!

And they brought the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on him; and he sat upon him.  And many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawed them in the way.  And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.  -Mark 11:7-9 (KJV) 

Have you ever found yourself under so much stress that you were muttering under your breath?  You know what I am talking about; all those negative feelings come boiling to the surface and you are doing all you can to keep them under control, yet they sort of boil out in the form of quiet complaining.  This beats a full-blown eruption of anger, yet even those private mutterings are problematic.  The more negative our internal feelings the more trouble we will have finding the peace of Christ during life’s storms.  Beware of those mutterings, for they will rob us of the joy we are meant to have in Jesus Christ. 

The next time you find yourself facing a problem, and unfortunately it won’t be long, try praying instead of muttering.  Seek to praise the Lord and exalt His name rather than utter destructive words.  Picture in your mind the day described in Scripture when the Lord Jesus rode into Jerusalem to the shouts of “Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”  How wonderful to have been a part of this throng of people shouting praises to the Lord.  When our negative thoughts and internal rumblings are handed over to the Lord in faith He will then empower us to turn our cursing into praising, our complaining into thanksgiving, and our mutterings into joyful songs of worship. 

“But you don’t understand what I am facing right now.”  Were you to say this to me I would have to agree, for this is a true statement.  I have no way of knowing the details of what you are going through or the depth of sorrow you are enduring.  However, the Lord does know.  Christ knows and He understands.  He is further willing to provide strength, comfort, peace, and grace in the midst of whatever trial you are presently facing.  By the power of the Holy Spirit we can find strength to rise up and walk forward in faith.  Keep moving forward toward the brighter day which the Lord has promised will come to all who put their faith in Him.  God has not abandoned us, nor will He ever do so.  Christ will be our strength, our shield, our fortress, and our strong and mighty tower (Psalm 61:3).   

Do not give up, do not despair, and do not lie down in defeat, for the Lord is with us.  Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!

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