Sunday, May 23, 2010

So Simple a Child Can Receive it

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  -Matthew 19:14

Receiving the grace of God in Christ Jesus is so simple that even a child can grasp it.  That’s why Jesus said to let the little children come to Him, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.  If you hold out a tasty cookie to a child, what will he or she usually do?  The child will reach out and receive it.  Such is the essence of grace.  It can’t be earned, but it can be received – by faith.  When people get hold of this wonderful truth, they begin to understand that that this blessed grace is available to them.  Anyone can come to faith in the Lord Jesus.  Such grace astounds us and such grace convicts the heart of the unbeliever.  Such grace is a demonstration of Holy Spirit power.

I cannot imagine taking one step through life apart from the guiding hand of the Lord.  Why would anyone want to?  What holds people back?  Is it pride, doubt, lack of faith?  Whatever the reason, the power of God can melt the coldest heart and bring salvation to the most wretched sinner.  People need not die in their sins, but they can profess faith in the Lord and be saved
 As we profess faith, we can also reach out in love to those around us, demonstrating to a lost world that Christ is in us.  And as He has saved us, He will save any who will by faith come to Him.  Don’t turn Him away.  There is hope for the troubled soul in Christ.  Believe Him, trust Him, and receive Jesus today.