Sunday, May 2, 2010

Seeing Past our Problems to God's Power

He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.  Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.  The Lord sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground.  Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make music to our God on the harp. -Psalm 147:4-7

When are we in need of the power of the Holy Spirit?  How about every day and all of the time?  That Holy Spirit power is what moves us forward in spiritual victory.  One of our problems is that we can become so fixed on our circumstances that we fail to see the bigger picture of God’s purpose and power.  Anytime we take our eyes off of Christ and set our focus on our problems then the result is discouragement.  Suddenly the problems, situations, and circumstances begin to look much worse.  Like a driving rain or a blinding snow, we can easily lose sight of the Savior as He urges us onward toward Him.  But through faith in Christ we can keep an outlook that sees beyond the wind and rain, past the trials and burdens, and sees the Lord Jesus with His hand outstretched. 

When we are able to see past our problems to the outstretched hand of the Lord Jesus, then we can know that somehow everything is going to be all right.  One way or another, the Lord is going to work everything out.  He is able, He is all powerful, and He is perfectly willing to lend that strong and mighty hand to help and comfort us in our time of need.  Don’t focus on the storm; focus on the one who provides shelter in the storm.  Look to the one who holds our lives and everything else in His hands.  Life is hard.  Life is difficult, and we need all of the help and strength we can get.  The Lord is willing and able to provide just that. 

I am not sure where we ever got the idea that the Lord is somehow stingy in His giving of help and comfort.  Does God withhold from us comfort and assurance?  Of course not!  God is more than willing to pour out upon us His love, grace, mercy, and compassion.  But we have to be willing to receive it.  However, the Lord will not force His mercy upon us; we have to open our hearts and receive it.  What is it that keeps people from opening their hearts and receiving the love and grace of God?  So often it is unbelief, pride, halfheartedness, but often it’s something else: A failure to believe that God would be so willing to give us so much.  Malachi 3: 10 says, "Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

I know that this is true: The Lord is willing to bless us in some wonderful ways.  Trust in the Lord, be faithful, look to Him, and He will gladly pour out His blessings upon us.  But we have to first see beyond our circumstances to God’s greater power.  

The high call of God in Christ Jesus is to not be afraid and do not be discouraged; God is greater than all of our problems.  The Lord wants to encourage us today.