Friday, March 19, 2010

God’s Way is Perfect

With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.  As for God, his way is perfect.  -II Samuel 22:30, 31a

Here in the above passage we have David of the Old Testament lifting up a song of praise to God Almighty.  David was a man familiar with trials, persecution, and hardships, but he always was able to stand, for his feet were firmly planted; not upon himself, but upon God.  David had some problems and made some mistakes along the way, but he always found God's grace to be sufficient to help him through.  From this grace came strength, peace, and stability.  We can have that same kind of stability and assurance when our feet are firmly planted upon the solid rock of Jesus Christ.  David recognized that there were a great number of paths he could take in life.  He could follow a path of ungodliness, self-centeredness, riches, or fame.  But David stepped back, took a hard look at life and declared that the way of God is best.  The reason that following a path with God is best is because God’s way is perfect – flawless.

Some will argue that if God’s way is perfect then why do we have problems along the way.  The answer to that is that God and His ways are perfect, but we are not.  We are flawed humans, born in sin, prone to wander away from God, and forever making a mess of what God wants us to have.  God and His ways are without flaw.  Time and time again the problem comes back to sinful disobedience and ungodliness on the part of us frail humans.  If more people would follow the way of the Lord there would be far less violence, heartache, and trouble in the world.  God has provided us with a clear way – the way of the cross.  If we will follow Christ we will find a straight and narrow road with Jesus that leads to life, peace, joy, strength, stability, and eternal life.

When we, like David, acknowledge that God’s ways are best, then we are on our way to living the abundant life and walking the road of victory.