Monday, March 8, 2010

Firmly Rooted in the Faith

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. -Colossians 2:6, 7

The Scriptures says that as followers of Christ we are first rooted, then built up, and then established in the faith.  Consider the power of this term “rooted.”  Without strong roots we will not be able to grow in the faith.  I know that after one of those big snows we have had recently that the tress behind our house will sway over with the weight of the snow.  Many of them will hold up and they will not break.  They may be bent over for a time, but they will remain firm.  Why is that?  It is because of their strong root system.  If a tree has died and it no longer has any roots, then it will in no way withstand the weight of the storm.  How like that we are in that when the pressure of life exerts itself upon us we will stand firm depending upon how well rooted we are in the faith.  

Having been rooted, we will then be built up as the Scripture says.  The Bible is not talking about being propped up, but rather built up.  There is a difference.  To be built up means that we are strengthened all the way around, from the roots to the top of our head.  I understand that in California builders are now trying to build buildings that can withstand severe earthquakes.  These building are constructed on a foundation that can literally slide, shake, and move with the earthquake so that it will not come tumbling down when it happens.  It occurred to me that this is what the Lord does for us: He empowers us to remain standing when the troubled times come – even if the very ground is shaking under our feet.  We don’t fear, we don’t get discouraged, and we don’t fall apart, but rather we keep on keeping on.

What holds us together?  The Scripture says that we are established in the faith.  The Holy Spirit has wrapped around us and holds us solid through the storms and trials of life.  The faith we hold to is not that of shifting sands, but of the solid rock.  Also, notice that the Bible says that through it all we are overflowing with thanksgiving.  A vital component of our spiritual health is taking on an attitude of thanksgiving in any and all circumstances. We make a grave mistake when we look someplace other than the Lord for strength, stability, and support.  However, when we build our lives upon the solid rock of Jesus Christ, then we will surely stand firm when the storms of life come our way.  Those storms will come, and sometimes the earthquakes of crises and trials will shake up our lives.  But rest assured that the Lord is with us and will not forsake us.

Christ is faithful, and He will see us through the troubled times - as He has promised.