Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Putting Away Childish Things

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.  When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.   -I Corinthians 13:11

If I know anything about Christianity, it is that the Lord intends for us to grow in our faith.  Followers of Christ are called to be ever reaching a deeper level of understanding of faith in Jesus.  Let us not be contented with being immature believers, but let us seek to mature in our faith.  We can’t stay on a liquid diet forever.  At some point we begin eating solid food.  Isn’t it interesting how quickly babies grow once they get on solid food?  They just seem to take off.  The same can be said of us.  A new believer will have difficulty comprehending some of the deeper aspects of the faith, but if he perseveres the Lord will begin to give him understanding into these important elements of Christianity.  We might use terms like “atonement,” “sanctification,” “regeneration,” and “redemption.”  Many believers will understand what these terms mean, but unbelievers, as well as new Christians, may wonder what in the world we’re talking about.  It’s like some subject that may not make sense at first, but over time we came to comprehend it better until its point made sense.  The mathematician does not start out with perfect understanding of the principles of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, but over time and with careful study begins to make sense of those concepts.  So it is with principles of the faith.

We are called by God to be ever moving toward spiritual maturity.  No matter where we are in our walk with God, there will always be room for growth.  We won’t have arrived until we one day stand before the Lord.

The old song about understanding it better by and by certainly applies here.  We will understand all things when we go to meet the Lord on that great and wonderful day, and what a day it will be.  However, let us not grow discouraged over what we do not understand.  Christian author T. W. Hunt has said, “It is more important to know God than it is to understand God.”  Our inability to fully comprehend all there is to know about God need not hinder our having a close, vibrant, and growing relationship with Him.

The plan for us is to reach maturity and to do so in Christ Jesus. Seek the Lord, and continue to grow in the faith. 

-From, Get up and Grow: Becoming a Mature Christian, by Dan Birchfield