Friday, January 1, 2010

"Only ten; only ten."

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. -II Peter 3:18

Every year around this time I find myself looking back over the previous year and contemplating whether or not I accomplished all that the Lord had given me to do.  Having done that, I always realize that there are numerous goals and accomplishments that still need to be done.  My prayer is that I never lose the desire to grow in my faith, grow personally, develop the gifts and talents God has given me, and to reach towards the accomplishments that remain undone in my life.  Why should we settle for mediocrity when God has called us to grow in the faith?  Indeed, we are challenged in God's Word to be ever reaching ahead in terms of our forward progress in the faith.

Contemplating this leads me to recall a story I heard many years ago about an elderly Russian woman who lived her Christian faith at a time when the Russian government was in opposition to evangelical Christianity. Russian authorities at that time frequently persecuted believers who openly practiced their faith.  The woman was in a worship meeting which was taking place about this season of the year.  During the meeting the woman came forward praying, weeping, and uttering these words: "Only ten; only ten."  A visitor asked someone why she was speaking those words.  The person explained that the previous year the woman had made a goal of reaching twenty people for Christ that year, and instead of winning twenty to the Lord, she had lead only ten to faith in Christ.

How many people did we lead to faith in Christ this past year?  Will we commit to sharing our faith more in the coming year?  Doing so is an honorable goal which the Lord will empower us to reach if we are sincere and faithful.  Will we commit in the coming year to pray with more urgency, study the Word with greater devotion, share our faith with more zeal, and grow in grace and love?  Goals such as these are ongoing and always relevant for followers of Christ.

Never settle for dull, lifeless, and complacent faith.  God has called us to reach heights of faith and depths of grace we would never have imagined impossible.  Keep on growing and becoming all that the Lord has intended for you to become. 

God bless you in the coming year.