Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Taking a Strong Stand for God

Remember me for this, O my God, and do not blot out what I have so faithfully done for the house of my God and its services.
-Nehemiah 13:14
              Despite having to overcome some serious opposition, Nehemiah had led the people to do what God had placed on his heart to accomplish.  This had involved taking a strong stand against some who were enemies of God, and it had involved dealing with some attitudes and practices that dishonored God’s Word.  I believe that what Nehemiah was discovering was that no matter how good things were going there would always be ongoing issues that he needed to face.  We find the same situations in our Christian lives.  As we walk with the Lord we will discover that there will be new challenges that come up all the time that require our prayerful attention.  The one who desires to be right with the Lord is willing to trust Him to enable us to meet these challenges.  Nehemiah demonstrated great faithfulness in rising to meet the challenges that were before him.  

              All throughout the book of Nehemiah we see that the people were getting back to doing what the Word of God says.  When that happens, the result is a spiritual renewal among the people.  A revival of faith begins to take place.  This is certainly needed right now – in our churches, in the home, across the land.  It has been a long time since there was a great movement of God’s Spirit in America.  It would be a positive development for believers everywhere to commit to praying that spiritual revival and renewal will happen again.