Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Receiving the Sinner

While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table. When the disciples saw this, they were indignant, “Why this waste?” they asked. “This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.” -Matthew 26:6-9

We do not know all of the details of the woman’s life who so boldly crashed the dinner party that was being held in Simon’s home. We do know that she was broken and repentant, and she sought to demonstrate her love for Jesus in some tangible way. Sadly, some present were more concerned with the value of the ointment than the worth of a person. Many people maintain the same attitude today. They get a little uneasy when “sinners” start showing up at their Sunday morning party. It somehow throws everything off kilter.

What would most of our churches do if a known prostitute showed up on a Sunday morning adorned in clothing befitting her trade? She might be like the woman who brought the ointment to Jesus in that she is lost, burdened, and in dire need of redemption. If she comes to church at all, she will do so because she believes that Jesus Christ is her last and only hope. Jesus would not for a moment condone such a person’s lifestyle, but He will love her and offer her the forgiveness she needs.

Often what a distressed person desires is for someone to be willing to listen and try to understand. All that is needed is a Christ-like compassion and a willingness to try to see people the way Jesus saw them. The recipient of a warm smile and a kind word fully understands the true value of such things. A profoundly positive effect is then left upon one who has been under attack from the stresses that so frequently occur in our lives.

Such thoughtfulness serves as a reminder that we are connected to other people, and we will be sustained in the midst of whatever hardship we are facing.

The woman who came to Jesus with the expensive ointment on that day wanted to be a participant in the celebration that was going on. But in order to accomplish this she had to deal with some problems that existed in her life. Once these were confronted, she realized that she needed a source greater than her own strength to overcome them. What she needed was to come into the presence of Jesus Christ. In Him there is mercy and grace. In Jesus there is the opportunity to start anew.

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