Thursday, December 17, 2009

Being a Part of God's Greater Purposes

I have come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly. -John 10:10

There’s a lot of debate today about what it means to be living the abundant life in Christ.
Let me give you an answer based upon God’s Word; the abundant life comes when we trust the Lord completely, without reservation, without compromise, and we are seeking to live daily in the fullness of His love, grace, and mercy. From that strong position of faith we become a part of God’s greater purposes. Here is how people, even believers, look at this sometimes; they say, “Well, nothings happening in my life, so I guess I’m not part of God’s plan.” My response is Hey! You are alive, you’re living, you are a part of the family of God – of course you are part of God’s plan and greater purposes – get with the program here!!!

When I was a boy, and during the days when my dad worked second rather than first shift, he was the one who would come into our rooms about 6:00 AM and wake my brother and I up for school.

However, Dad woke us up the way he was woke up when he was a boy, and that was to literally kick the door open, turn on the lights, and begin shouting, “GET UP BOYS, IT’S LATE! YOU’VE GOT TO GET UP RIGHT NOW OR YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE!!!” I think he also learned that technique from the military – that’s how they wake you in basic training I’m told. This is what I often want to say to believers who are not walking in the power of God and seeking to be a part of God’s greater purposes; “Get up and get with it! The time is late! Get going or you’re going to miss out!!!”

When we believe God and follow His plan we have the privilege of being a part of God’s greater purpose. We are no longer sitting on the sidelines and watching as others live in spiritual victory, but rather we too experience that victory – for ourselves. Here is the cause that so many are not walking in spiritual victory; they are missing out on being part of God’s greater purpose. Being a part of that plan leads us to see beyond the present problems to what God can and will do in our lives.

I recently had this illustrated for me in a powerful way. A couple of weeks ago the sky had been dark and rainy all day. Late in the afternoon, as the sun was about to set, the clouds parted, and the sun shone through. And for a little while, many of us across the region witnessed the most well-defined rainbow that I had ever seen. After a day of clouds and gloom, the sun broke through, and it was glorious. This is the way the Lord can work in our lives when we trust Him and are faithful. The clouds of doubt, sorrow, defeat, and problems part and we see the glory of God. In John 11:40, just before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He told Martha that very truth; if we trust Him we will see the glory of God.

That call to witness God’s glory is still in force today. Whatever you are facing, open your heart and trust the Lord today.

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