Thursday, November 12, 2009

Serving the Guests

When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him. - Matthew 8:14, 15

It is one thing to be at the party, but it is another matter entirely to be the one doing the serving. We usually do not think of servants as being a part of the celebration since they are there to serve us. Consider that without them there could be no party. Someone has to do the serving. Jesus taught us a new perspective on being servants. Simon-Peter’s mother-in-law saw herself as an integral part of the party in that she had the privilege of serving Jesus and the disciples. We have reason to believe that this woman, whose name is left a secret of the ages, genuinely enjoyed being a servant to others.

The one who desires to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will seek to follow the Lord’s example of being a servant to everyone. Simon-Peter’s mother-in-law may well have been an individual who truly enjoyed waiting on others. For her, putting together a meal for Jesus and the disciples was not drudgery or a burden. Rather, she was practicing something she honestly loved to do. Jesus and the disciples, as they reclined at the table that day, most certainly enjoyed the meal; they laughed, told humorous stories, and relaxed in one another’s company.

Why are people so serious all the time? Why the long faces? Lighten up. Relax. Stop being so critical and judgmental. There are guests to be served. Bring them some dessert and offer them an extra scoop of ice cream. Pat them on the back as you place the plate before them. Give them a warm smile and assure them that if they have room there is plenty more where that came from. Remind them that there is fresh coffee brewing and it will be ready momentarily. Ask how they would like it, black, or maybe with some cream and sugar? Your guests will love you for it and will view you in an altogether new light, which is that of humble servant.

When we see ourselves as servants of Christ we quickly discover that those we are serving become more important to us. Jesus never once thought of those He ate with or ministered to as being unworthy of Him. Christ was much too concerned with human need to turn away anyone who desired fellowship with Him. Just as Jesus loved others and showed God's love in countless ways, let us follow His example and reach out to those around us with the love of Christ.

(From, "The Invitation: Embracing a Happier Life," by Dan Birchfield, copyright 2009)

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