Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pondering the Good Things

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

-Philippians 4:8

There are things which impress us so deeply that we will never forget them. Some of those thoughts are positive, and some are not so positive. The challenge for any person is to not dwell on the negative, but rather dwell on what is good, right, holy, and God-honoring. Philippians 4:8 tells us the kind of things on which we ought to dwell; whatever is noble, right, pure, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. Those kinds of things will help move our minds away from the negative which has made its way into our hearts. There is great power in having something in our hearts which evokes good and positive feelings.

We will not forget that which has made its way into the deepest recesses of our hearts. Here we see the movement from intellectual assent to spiritual power. The Word of God says that just knowing it is not enough; His Word must make its way into our hearts. We move from just having knowledge in our minds, to the power of God’s Word in our hearts. Once there, it is there to stay.

Do you think that as long as I am in my right mind that I will forget who my wife is? Of course not! As long as I am in my right mind will I forget my family and close friends? Again, the answer is no. Now, if I meet someone in line at the grocery store, and we talk for a moment, and I leave and never see that person again, there is a good chance I will not remember that person a month, a year, or ten years down the road. That’s not so with those to whom I am close. Why is that? It’s because I have them in my heart. That is where the Word of God is to be at all times; in our hearts. For a brighter and more positive outlook, keep God's Word and its timeless truths close to your heart. Spiritual power will surely follow.

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