Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Consequences of Idol Worship

Tell the righteous it will be well for them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds. Woe to the wicked! Disaster is upon them! They will be paid back for what their hands have done.

-Isaiah 3:10, 11

The people of Israel in the Old Testament were blessed when they were faithful, but how they suffered God’s wrath when they were unfaithful. In this regard the Lord did not leave anything to chance. God spelled things out in no uncertain terms. The Lord told them what would happen if they turned away from Him and worshiped idols. What is amazing is that knowing all that they chose to do so anyway. How like that people are today; the follower of Christ knows that sinful behavior displeases God, yet quite often people allow themselves to be drawn into sin. It reminds me of a habit which we know is harmful, yet we do it anyway.

The book of Isaiah deals with the problem is Israel’s unfaithfulness and what was going to happen unless they repented and changed their ways. Isaiah is what is known as a Major Prophet of the Old Testament. A more modern way of saying this would be that Isaiah was a “heavy hitter.” When we read Isaiah we know that here was a prophet of God who really meant business. Not to say that the Minor Prophets didn’t mean business, but Isaiah’s word from God was given on a much wider and broader scale. Right from the start the Lord begins to outline for the people the result of what will happen unless they turn from their wicked ways and commit their hearts to Him.

There is indeed a lesson here for the world today. If people continue to refuse to get their hearts right with God, the end result will be the wrath and judgment of Almighty God. However, turning away from sin and trusting in the Lord brings forgiveness of sin, new life, and life eternal. That is the sure and certain promise of God.

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