Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hearing God’s Call

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.

-Genesis 3:8

Since the earliest days of mankind God has been calling to people, sometimes calling them directly by name. And when people have heard the voice of the Lord it was unmistakable. They knew that this was something extremely powerful and life-changing. They would never be the same once they heard the voice of the Lord. Adam and Eve heard God calling to them in the cool of the afternoon, but they were afraid because they had sinned, and they hid from the Lord. Abraham heard God speaking and telling him to leave the land where he had grown up and go to the place where God would show him. Throughout Abraham’s life he heard and responded to the voice of God as the Lord promised that he would be made into a great nation. Numerous others heard the voice of the Lord as God called out to them with a message of love, redemption, and hope.

No one who experiences the Lord's calling can walk away from that experience without being profoundly affected by it. God’s call is a reminder of His love for us and His plan for our lives. The call is not one of, come and be condemned, but rather it is a call of come and be converted; see what God can do in your life. Never forget that those whom God calls into His service He also equips. The Lord does not and will not send us out empty handed. He provides us with what we need to accomplish His will for our lives.

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