For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness
is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is,
and of that which is to come. –I Timothy 4:8 (KJV)
Throughout most of my adult life I have done at least
some form of exercise. In my 20’s ad 30’s I was a runner and
stayed very active. However, in my 40’s the task of raising
children and pursuing ministry became so time consuming that I began
neglecting my physical health. I paid a terrible price for this.
I put on weight, became discouraged, and ended up suffering six long
years of clinical depression. Several years ago the Lord pulled
me out of this depressed condition in a wonderful way and I then began
developing strategies for being more positive and healthy. The
strategies I have learned and practice involve daily prayer and meditation
on the Scriptures, a strict regimen of diet and exercise, and a conscious
decision to be a more upbeat and positive person.
In addition, around four years ago I began working
out for 30-45 minutes at a time about five times a week. This
has been a rediscovering of the benefits of regular exercise.
As I approach the age of 52 I am enjoying the best health of my life.
These days I am spreading the word among my fellow pastors and anyone
else who will listen to get back into prayer, the Word, and a healthy
lifestyle. At first this will seem like climbing Mount Everest,
but if I can do it, so can you. The benefits of spiritual discipline
and physical exercise are well worth the effort.
As I read Paul’s words in I Timothy 4: 8 I have
to reconcile what appears to be an attempt to dissuade believers from
pursuing exercise. I do not believe the Bible is telling us here
not to exercise. Instead, I believe this is a caution about pursing
physical health over spirituality. If we do as Jesus said and
seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33), then we are empowered
to get other aspects of life in their proper place. For me, seeking
a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine is an outgrowth of keeping
my life right with God. Here is how this works; the more time
we spend in prayer and in God’s Word the more we are empowered to
seek healthy habits. The result is increased energy and focus
for ministry and sharing Christ with others.
Consider also the positive benefits of personal growth.
All around us are people who are discouraged, depressed, and living
in spiritual defeat. As we grow in the knowledge and grace of
our Lord (II Peter 3:18) we are strengthened to keep moving forward
in those times when we feel like giving up. God is faithful and
will give us the power we need to keep serving Him and walking in spiritual
victory. Do not lie down in defeat; rise up in the power of Christ
and walk forward in vibrant and confident faith. The result will
be a more positive, healthy, happy, joyful, and relaxed person.
Christ is calling us to the abundant life (John 10:10),
not survival. Why not begin today?
God bless you.