The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression.
–Proverbs 19:11 (NKJV)
Several years ago one of my sons was involved with
little league baseball and I became acquainted with a man whose son
also played on the team. Many times I arrived for a game either
coming from a church responsibility or on my way to one. This
meant I was often wearing a dress shirt and tie, which is not typical
dress for a baseball game. The man I spoke of would often see
me dressed this way and address me as “Dapper Dan.” It went something
like this, “Well, hey there, Dapper Dan.” I suppose some men might
have grown weary of this, but I always took it good naturedly.
I never asked, but I just thought it was a lighthearted commentary on
my choice of clothing.
The word dapper is an old English expression for
neat, trim, and smart; a man who wears nice and stylish clothing which
fits well. I began to take my new nickname as a compliment.
What’s funny is how I sometimes wore casual clothing, like jeans and
a t-shirt, but the man wouldn’t be at the game. Then, the next
time I happened to be there, dressed to the nines, he would of course
show up. I began to wonder if the man realized I didn’t always
dress like a New York lawyer. Both our sons have grown beyond
the little league baseball years and are now in college, and whenever
I see this man, you guessed it; he still calls me Dapper Dan.
The Word of God says in Proverbs 19:11 that a man
of discretion is slow to anger and a wise man overlooks an insult.
It is to a man’s glory, or it demonstrates his integrity, to not allow
a perceived insult to bother him. How often have we allowed a
perceived insult or slight to get under our skin? Many times we
let something bother us when in reality it was not worth getting upset
over. I have heard all my life the expression about people wearing
their feelings on their sleeves. This is a hard way to go through
life, because such persons are always looking for an offense in any situation.
As a result, they become offended over situations where no offense was
ever intended.
As I reflect on the man who had his nickname for
me, I realize that no one else has ever called me this. He and
I became friends and he is actually a very kind and good natured person.
I believe he honestly never intended to offend me. If I had allowed
myself to be offended, I would have missed out on becoming friends with
a goodhearted and decent man. When we walk by faith and in the
power of Christ, we are at peace and the joy of the Lord resides in
our hearts.
We also realize life is too short to spend it upset
and irritated over matters which have little bearing on the greater
issues of life. As I have said before, relax, lighten up, and
be at peace in Jesus.
God bless you today.