20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying,
If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and
will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, 21 So
that I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the Lord
be my God: -Genesis 28:20-21 (KJV)
I enjoy having conversation with people,
yet I also enjoy listening as others talk about their lives. These days
I try to allow others around me to speak without my feeling I have to
interject something into the conversation. This stems from a personal
discipline I am developing of being a better listener and allowing others
the simple joy of telling their stories. So often we feel the
need to speak up and tell our stories. Someone has suggested the
reason we have trouble listening to others is that so often the discussion
is not about us, so we seek to remedy this by insinuating ourselves
into it. When we allow others to speak, tell their stories, and
bask in the joy of the telling, we discover a wonderful tension is gone
from our lives. We get to relax and let others experience the
joy of talking about their lives.
I cannot take credit for this (hopefully
I would have figured it out eventually), for I discovered the strategy
in a book by psychologist Richard Carlson, “Don’t Sweat the Small
Stuff, and it’s all Small Suff.” Dr. Carlson suggests we become
more relaxed persons when we sit back and allow others to speak and
tell their stories. He assures us we will get our chance and he
is absolutely correct. The other day I was practicing this and
listening as two other people were speaking around me. One of
them was reflecting on her life and the key events which brought her
to where she is right now. She spoke of a time around 30 years
ago when she was working in a small restaurant. She met a man
who would often come in and have lunch. The man saw she possessed
good people skills, was motivated, and appeared to be a hard worker.
He suggested she come and work for him. She applied for a job
with his company and has been there ever since.
All of us have met people, been in certain
situations on a given day, and because of one event our lives were changed.
The question is, do we think of this as chance or divine guidance?
As followers of Jesus Christ we are compelled to believe our lives are
being guided by the loving, yet firm hand of God. Even when we
get off track, the Lord will bring us back to where He wants us to be.
As we walk in faith God continues to guide our lives.
Jacob of the Old Testament knew God was with
him and guiding his steps. He made a covenant with God that as
the Lord continued to prove His guidance that he would hold to the Lord
as his God. Perhaps you feel as though you have been wandering
through life. Take heart and know the Lord is with you.
Even if you have strayed far from God it is not too late to return to
Him. Keep walking forward in faith, for the Lord will guide you
as He has all along.
God bless you today.