Saturday, June 5, 2010

Un-cluttering and Renewing the Mind

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.  –Romans 12:2 

I watched a program recently that chronicled the lives of people who can’t throw anything away.  And you’re thinking, “Hey, he’s talking about me.” No, these are people who so keep and hoard everything that their homes become almost uninhabitable.  Most of what they pile up in their homes would be considered worthless junk, but these people refuse to throw it out.  Eventually their homes become filled to the point that every room is piled to the ceiling with this clutter.  The result is a dangerous and unhealthy environment that can damage their quality of life.

As I consider this I realize that the human mind can also be filled with all sorts of clutter that can hinder our peace of mind and spiritual growth.  We can become so overwhelmed with problems, bad memories, guilt, worry, and fear that our forward progress is stymied; we become stalled out in terms of growing in our faith.  Do you have a bad memory from the past that seems to creep up on you when you least expect it and it causes you problems and grief?  If you struggle with such painful memories then you are not alone.  Countless people wrestle with such issues on a regular basis.  By the power of the Holy Spirit these thoughts that clutter our minds can be dealt with and overcome. 

The Scripture teaches that we are transformed into the image of Christ through the renewing of our minds.  The mind can be daily renewed through prayer, spending time in the Word, and walking through the day in an attitude of prayer and openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  When we feel our minds being cluttered with bad thoughts, vengeful feelings, unresolved guilt, or unforgiving attitudes, then we know that it is time for a de-cluttering of the mind.  This is always done through prayer and the Word of God. 

Don’t allow your mind to be cluttered.  Clean it out; renew it daily through prayer and God’s Holy Word.  The results will astound you and bring about a wonderful peace.  The troubled soul is comforted and the cluttered mind is renewed by the power of the Word and Prayer.  Don’t delay, but begin seeking the Lord today.  He can and will remove that which hinders.