Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Let go of Your Balloon

The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God, the Rock, my Savior!  -II Samuel 22:47

I read a story about a church that handed out helium filled balloons before a worship service with the following instructions: When you feel like praising the Lord, let go of your balloon.  All through the service balloons lifted up and floated toward the ceiling of the sanctuary.  But when the service ended, about one third of the people still held onto their balloons.  The challenge for us today is to let go of your balloon.  Praise be to my rock!  Exalted be God my Savior.  Discover the praise that can flow from your heart when Jesus Christ resides there.  Trust in Him and praise Him.

When we praise the Lord with all of our hearts the blessed power of God is released and made real in us.  Praising the Lord lifts up above simply talking about praise and going through the motions to genuine thanksgiving to God.  Why settle for a hollow and lifeless faith when there is joyful and vibrant faith awaiting?  God empowers us when we praise Him, and our Lord delights in the praise of His people.

The next time you find yourself facing some struggle or trial, and that situation is either upon you now or waiting just around the corner, stop and thank the Lord for His presence and His guiding hand.  I received an email recently that offered these words: The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.  I do not know who stated these words, but they are certainly true.  When we face some new trial we can move forward praising the Lord in the full confidence that He is with us and helping us every step of the way.

So, are you still holding onto that symbolic balloon of praise?  Go ahead and let go.  Praise the Lord and give thanks to Him right now.  

Praise the Lord - my Rock and my Savior!

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