Sunday, June 27, 2010

Doing the Work of the Gospel

If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.  Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load. -Galatians 6:3-5

Here we see that we must be on guard against at all times, especially in regards to how we view ourselves and those around us: we must seek after and maintain an attitude of humility.  The Bible says that if we start thinking we are something when actually we are nothing then we deceive ourselves.  As followers of Christ all we are is found in the Lord Jesus.  The Scripture teaches that the Lord is to be our all in all.  As Jesus' followers, we are not defined in who we are, but rather who Christ is in us.  When we begin to look at life from that perspective we will be better equipped for keeping this attitude of humility which is vital for our Christian growth.  The above passage carries this concept a step further: We are to prove our own work based upon our own gifts, talents, abilities, and our own unique personalities.  This as opposed to comparing ourselves with everyone else.   

Preachers can easily get caught up in this. What preacher among us is Billy Graham?  I’m not him and he isn’t me.  We are both called to our own unique ministries based upon our own unique personalities.  No two of us are alike are we?  So why do we tend to compare ourselves with others?  This same truth holds with individual congregations also.  We are who we are in Christ Jesus, we have a unique ministry in the community, and while we can learn from other congregations, we are not some other congregation – we are a vital part of the body of Christ.  Rather than wish we were someone else or wish we were like this or that congregation, what does the Scripture tell us to do?  It says to take godly pride in ourselves; rejoice in who we are in Christ Jesus, not in who we wish we were.

When we take on such godly, humble, and Christ-like attitudes we are better equipped to be about the ministry of reaching out to those around us.  And are there sinners out there?  Oh yes; they are like a prime fishing spot that has been stocked.  The sinners, backsliders, and those who need restored to the fold are everywhere.  We are called to reach out to them, not in judgment but in love that they might be restored to the fellowship of the church.  

Let us be about the ministry of the Gospel; preaching the Word, reaching the lost, building up the church, and restoring those who have wandered away.

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