Friday, April 2, 2010

Sinners Need Forgiveness

While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and "sinners" came and ate with him and his disciples.  When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?"  On hearing this, Jesus said, " It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.  But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."  -Matthew 9:10-13

We should not be surprised when people question our integrity, for they did so to the Lord.  As Jesus was going about preaching salvation, helping people, and spreading the good news, there were critics who opposed Him.  At one point they accused Him of using demonic forces to drive out demons (Matthew 12:24).  The Pharisees had less trouble with Jesus calling Matthew as a disciple than they did with Him going to have dinner in Matthew’s home.  This truly threw them for a loop.
The question I would have wanted the Pharisees to consider, and I would people to think about this today when they question Jesus’ integrity is, where should Jesus have been?  To whom should He have been going?  Where should Jesus have been targeting His ministry?  The Lord pointed out that healthy folks do not need a doctor; sick people need the doctor.  Had Jesus only associated with those who had their lives together and were seeking God, then those whose lives were going down the tubes would have been neglected.  The Lord demonstrated that we simply seek to reach all people with the gospel.  That includes the executive and the heroin addict, the religious person and the atheist, and the homemaker and the prostitute.  We reach out in Jesus’ name to all people without prejudice and without selectivity.  And we go wherever that takes us: the slums, the country, the city, to the upscale and to the down-and-out.
I loved Philip Yancey’s book, “What’s so Amazing About Grace.”  In one chapter he talks about a church that allowed an AA group to meet weekly at their facility.  Philip was honest in pointing out the potential problems with such a ministry and that it’s probably not going to work in every church.  Some of the folks that would take part in those meetings would pose a challenge for the church in terms of ministering to their needs.  But the church did just that, and they ended up having a tremendous impact on those who came to the meetings. 

When we reach out to the lost as Jesus said we should, there will be challenges involved.  Some folks might show up at the church that have the potential to make us feel a little uncomfortable.  However, Jesus faced the same dilemma and He said that sick folks are the ones who need the care of a doctor.  Sinners are the ones who need the Lord’s forgiveness.  (I hope you will read in my book, “The Invitation,” about Allen and the amazing transformation in his life; chapter 6.)  The transformation that can take place in a person's life is truly miraculous.  The chains of sin can be broken by the power of the gospel.  Shattered lives can be restored, ruined relationships can be mended, and personal defeat can be changed into victory.   

Jesus' top priority was reaching the lost.  As His followers, let's seek to make that a priority as well.  Seek to see others the way in which Christ sees them.  Reach out to those around us who are wandering through life without the hope the Lord brings.