Monday, April 5, 2010

Hallelujah, Christ arose!

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!" After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.  –John 20:19, 20 

Surprised, awestruck, overwhelmed, glad, overjoyed.  None of these truly do justice to what I felt when I saw the Risen Lord.  We had come together to discuss what had taken place and to consider the events of that morning –  the empty tomb and the testimony of the women who had first been there.  They had seen angels who told them that the Lord had risen from the dead.  Mary told of how that she had seen the Lord herself – she saw Him and spoke to Him!  We knew there was only one explanation: Either Mary had gone stark raving mad or the Lord was alive.  Against all reason I was holding to the latter belief.

There were only ten of us gathered.  Thomas had gone for the day on an errand; Judas we had not seen nor had we any information of his whereabouts.  The ten of us sat huddled in the darkened room talking quietly among ourselves.  The door was barred and locked – I had secured it myself.  All I can say is that suddenly the Lord stood among us.  Gone was the pale deathly look I had seen upon His face when He had breathed His last.  He was alive.  Of that there can be no doubt.  His words brought peace, comfort, and joy to our hearts.  We gathered around Him in a solemn and sacred sort of celebration.  No one asked, but He knew our thoughts and willingly drew back His garment that we might see the scar in His side where the spear had pierced Him.  He also showed us the nail scars in His hands and feet.  None of us needed to ask if He was truly the Lord; we knew that beyond all doubt.    

Where will we go from here?  I saw the Lord die, I witnessed the empty tomb, I saw Him alive, and I felt the power of the blessed Holy Spirit as He breathed upon my face.  I also know that He has forgiven me.  He understands my weaknesses, my impulsiveness.  He will never bring it up again nor will He ever hold it against me.  Having seen Him alive I know that there is hope for tomorrow.  Oh that the world might know that hope that I feel!
We must tell others.   

We must go and let everyone know that our Savior lives. 

Hallelujah, Christ arose!