Saturday, December 18, 2010

Laboring in Obscurity?

As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed; -II Corinthians 6:9 (KJV) 

Often times we feel that we are laboring in obscurity in the kingdom of God and that we are not making a difference.  God knows who we are and that is enough.  We think, “Here I am laboring in the fields of the Lord in utter obscurity.  No one knows, cares, or appreciates what I do.”  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Every contribution made in the work of the kingdom of God can help bring someone to faith in Jesus Christ.  And for that there is a heavenly reward; so great is this reward that it is better and will outlast anything we will ever receive in this life. 

I have observed over the years a number of pastors who became discouraged because the church in which they served did not experience the growth they had hoped for.  As a result they began to think that their labor had been in vain and that they were unknown and unimportant in God’s kingdom.  I would encourage anyone who felt this way to consider this question: Is a church of 25 or 50 any less important or valuable in the kingdom of God than a church of 500 or 1000?  The answer is no, for both have a vital place and ministry in their respective communities.  A congregation can desire to grow and reach people for Christ, and we ought to have that desire.  However, not all congregations can be mega-churches.  In fact, the overwhelming number of evangelical churches in America today consists of congregations of 100 or less people.  

How many people attend the congregation where you worship and call your church home?  Is it 500, 100, 50, or 25?  Whatever the number, remember that God has placed you strategically in your community to reach people for Jesus Christ.  Whatever size the congregation, you can impact the world around us in wonderful and powerful ways.  I love what the late Dr. Gerald Borchert said about this; “In God’s kingdom, there are no small churches.”   

We all have a ministry, and God knows and cares about us.  Furthermore, Christ has called us to share His love with a lost and hurting world.  Be the light of Jesus Christ and keep on serving Him.

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