Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Seeking God's Strength Through Prayer

Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.  –Psalm 4:1 

The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer.  –Psalm 6:9
I recall a number of years ago when I attended a conference led by Henry Blackaby and his son Richard.  During one of the sessions Richard Blackaby shared something that truly hit home to me.  He told the story of a pastor he knew who had become so burned out that he had left the ministry.  Dr. Blackaby asked the man how much time he had spent in prayer while he was still in the ministry.  The man replied, “Prayer?  I didn’t have time to pray!  How could I be expected to keep up with all of my responsibilities and still make time to pray?”
This scenario demonstrates the importance of prayer and how easy someone can justify not making time to practice it.  Had this brother spent more time in prayer he would not have not felt so stressed.  Furthermore, he may well have found the strength and courage needed to remain the ministry.
For the last two months I have stood alongside my wife Andrea as she has engaged in a serious battle with cancer.  Throughout her treatments she has been nauseated, fatigued, and at times discouraged.  But through it all her faith has remained constant as she has trusted God for strength and healing.  As for me, numerous people have asked me how I am doing.  Their concern for me during this time is deeply touching.  The power and strength I have for getting up every morning, heading into the day, and seeking to be a help and comfort to my wife is found through daily prayer.  Time with God in which I draw from the strength of the Holy Spirit and the encouragement of God’s Word is my power source for keeping me moving forward.  Were it not for prayer I would surely grow so weak and discouraged that I would not be able to function.

Even in the best of times we need the spiritual strength that comes through communion with God.  Then when the trials of life come our way we are better equipped to stand firm and not grow discouraged.
The Lord is our strength, our help, our power, our Redeemer, and our hope.  Do not give up on prayer and you will not give up.