Monday, April 12, 2010

Access to the Riches of God's Word

He said to them, "This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms." Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.  He told them, "This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day..."  -Luke 24:44-46

The Bible says that after the resurrection the Lord Jesus opened the disciples’ minds that they might understand the Scriptures.  This is about comprehending what the Lord is telling us in His Word and then knowing how to apply it to our lives.  God gave us His Word that we might do just that: Comprehend it and apply it to our lives – every aspect of our lives.  When we come to faith in Jesus no aspect of our lives is to remain untouched.  The Lord reaches us at the deepest level of our being and moves us toward a life perspective that we had previously been denied access.  The Word of God has the power to accomplish this when we allow the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and apply the Word to our lives.  This access to the blessed and divine truths of God’s Holy Word is a wonderful and joyous experience – and can empower us to walk in spiritual victory every day.

I am embarrassed to admit this, but I have never been to our nation’s capitol.  I am yet to visit Washington, DC and see the monuments and all those historic places that are there.  I would very much like to go and while there I would like to tour the White House, or at least as much as the public is allowed to see.  Can you imagine me touring the White House and about the time the tour is over I ask someone, a guard perhaps, “Might I have a private audience with the President?  Just for a few minutes – a cup of coffee with him maybe?” What are the odds of my request being granted?  Not too good, right?  I simply don’t have that kind of access.  However, in Jesus Christ we now have direct access to God the Father.  He is willing at any moment to drop whatever He is doing and talk with me – or you, or anyone who will by faith call upon His name.  

Since we have access to the Father through Christ, we also have access to His Word.  You see, we once were denied access to the deeper truths of God’s Word, but in Jesus Christ we are now partakers of the riches of God’s grace.  This was where the Lord was leading His disciples that day of the resurrection.  They were permitted access to that which was previously unavailable for them.  The resurrection made it possible.

Because of the resurrection we now have access to the Holy Scripture as the true Word of God.  It’s not just some book of fanciful stories, but rather it is the true, inspired, and Holy Word of God.  We must take it up and apply it’s riches to our hearts.  

Let’s have hearts and minds that are open to do just that.