book of proverbs is devoted to teachings about wisdom. We learn what
wisdom is, how we attain it, keep it, and apply it. Anyone can sit and hear sound teachings, but
not everyone will follow them and put them into practice. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot
make him drink. We can lead people to
the wisdom of God, but we cannot force anyone to apply its truths to their
lives. We reject the wisdom of God at
our own peril. Countless people have
found this out too late. Now is the time
to get right with Christ and begin applying God’s Word to our hearts and
lives. Hear it, apply it, live it, and
ask God for help each day.
is a recipe for success in life. These
truths are applicable to anyone, anywhere, and at anytime. Verse 7 of chapter 3 says to be not wise in
our own eyes. This means to be careful
about thinking we are wise when we are basing our wisdom on the ways of the
world. True wisdom comes from first
trusting Christ and submitting to His will.
As we grow in the grace and the knowledge of God, we become wise. Furthermore, if we live long enough and keep in the faith we become even wiser. This is a daily walk of humility with the Lord Jesus Christ.
know many people who I believe are wise in the Lord. However, these folks would never say they are
wise nor would they boast about their wisdom.
Anytime we begin to boast about ourselves we are being wise in our own
eyes. The wise man focuses on Jesus
Christ, does not take his eyes off of Him, and he then walks daily in Holy Spirit
power and the wisdom found in God’s Word.
He is taking time daily to commune with God and soak up the truths of
God’s Word. The challenge for us in
proverbs is to become a sponge for God’s wisdom. Soak it up, hold it, and then when squeezed
let this wisdom flow toward others.
wisdom of God only comes from God and what He has said. People will say they do not need godly wisdom and
they will do what seems right to them. Doing life our way, without God, and what
seems right to us is a recipe for bitterness.
you know what I think we become like when we live life without God and His
wisdom? We become like a big block of
cheese left sitting out on the counter.
We become harder and harder the longer we are exposed to air. We get a little mold on us too. That cheese needs covered in order to get
better and improved with time. The
wisdom of God leads to the rich, full, abundant life Jesus promised. The living water of the Holy Spirit flows
through us so we do not become dry and sorrowful. We grow and get better with age, for we have
put on Christ, covering ourselves daily with the truths of God’s Word.
bless you today.