stated for us His mission in John 16:28.
“I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world.” God was not contented to watch us from a
distance and neither was He willing to have us keep worshiping from a distance. That is why the Word, which was God, became
flesh and dwelt among us. God came to
us; the Lord came up-close and personal.
He invaded our personal space with His divine presence.
Do you
understand about personal space? This is
that invisible line we draw around ourselves and we become uncomfortable if
anyone we have not given permission gets inside. When we have conversation, we keep a certain
distance. Should someone who is usually
not allowed invade our personal space we become uncomfortable. Certain people have access. These include spouse, our children, parents,
and close friends. Truth be told, we are
kind of funny about personal space.
Have you ever been talking to someone who has no concept of this? They get too close when they speak to
you. This is known a
“close-talker.” You find yourself wanting to back away from such a person.
Jesus Christ, God the Father invaded our personal space. Jesus stepped inside the circle and we do
well to let Him in. Jesus said in
Revelation 3:20, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any man will hear my voice, and open the
door, I will come in to him and sup with him, and he with me.”
this time people have thought the Lord was too high and holy or too busy for
them when all the while He has been standing at the door of their hearts and
knocking, wanting to come in. Welcome
Jesus into your heart, for therein is life and life eternal.
God bless you today.