Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Finishing the Work the Lord has Begun in us

Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."  -Luke 9:62 

Jesus had some strong words about finishing the work that the Lord has begun in us.  As followers of Christ we are called to work toward completing what God has begun.  The call of Christ in our lives will involve moving forward in the strength and power the Lord has given.  Be faithful, work hard, don’t stop, keep serving the Lord, and do all these with glad and thankful hearts.  When will our work as Christians be complete?  Our work is done when we see the Lord Jesus face to face.  Until then we worship, work, witness, labor, and do the ministry to which the Lord has called us.

How do we complete the work the Lord has begun in us?  What enables us to stand firm and hang in there over the long haul?   The answer is found in the wonderful grace of God functioning in us.  Philippians 1:2 says, “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”  That grace, freely given through Jesus Christ our Lord, is intended to inspire us to keep moving forward in the blessed power of the Holy Spirit.  God’s grace reminds us that even though we are not perfect, God isn’t finished with us yet.  He is ever molding, perfecting, and shaping us to be more like Christ – in all areas and aspects of our lives.   

By the power of God’s grace we will be able to do that which He has called us to do, which is the work of the gospel.  We witness for Christ, live godly lives, reach out to others, feed the poor, minister to the captive and oppressed, visit the sick, and encourage one another to deeper faith.  God’s grace will sustain us when we feel that we cannot go on.  We will have the peace of Christ in us, we will have thankful hearts, and we can pray in the power of the Holy Spirit in communion with the Lord as friend to friend.  No problem, no obstacle, and no weakness will stop those who are fully committed to the Lord.  As Jesus promised, the mountains, no matter how large and imposing, can be removed by His power working in us (Matthew 17:20). 

Whatever difficulty you are facing, no matter how large, take heart; the Lord will empower you to finish the good work He has begun in you.  The troubled soul can find comfort and encouragement in remembering that God is always faithful, and as He has promised He will ever be faithful. 
Rise up today and move forward in God’s grace and power.  The Lord is with us! 

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