Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Experiencing Personal Renewal and Revival

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.  Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. -Psalm 51:10-12

We have heard it said many times that our nation needs revival, and that is certainly true.  But let us not forget where revival begins; right here with me and you.  We can forget revival happening unless we are serious about experiencing it ourselves first on an individual and personal basis.  To me, trying to tell others about spiritual renewal when we need it ourselves is like trying to straighten others out when we are still under the control of the same problem.  Jesus likened this to having a plank in one’s eye and at the same time trying to tell someone else how to get the speck out of his eye (Matthew 7:3-5).  That doesn’t make any sense, does it?  Of course not!  None of us are perfect, but once we have a handle on a problem or issue that used to drag us down we then become qualified to help someone else overcome the same problem.  

The same can be said of the need for revival.  If I am apathetic about my faith, half-hearted in my commitment to Jesus Christ, and if I rarely open the Word and seek God in prayer, then I am in no position to tell anyone else that he or she needs revival.  We first get our own hearts right with God, and then we become empowered to encourage others to do the same.  You don’t have to be the perfect Christian to do that; you just have to be committed and sincere. When we begin to seek the Lord and pray, as did David, that the Lord will create in us a pure heart and renew our spirits, then we have made a critical step toward personal renewal and revival.

Don’t be afraid to step out on faith and be the person that God is calling you to be in Jesus Christ; a person of love, grace, mercy, integrity, and bold commitment.  Get on fire for Jesus Christ and we will then be empowered to lead others to that same kind of Holy Spirit fire.  When we begin to take seriously the high call of God in Jesus Christ we not only begin to see the need for revival, but we begin to move towards it ourselves.  We start to remove from our lives anything that might hinder us in our walk with Jesus Christ thus leading us to fresh faith and a renewing of God’s Spirit in us. 

Spiritual renewal and revival begins with each one of us on a personal level.  When enough believers begin to experience the power of God then a wonderful movement of God's Spirit will take place all around us.  

Pray that we will each one experience a fresh touch from God, and having received that wonderful blessing we will be empowered to deeper levels of faith and commitment.  Start today, and let nothing stand in the way.

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