To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ's sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed: Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. -I Peter 5:1-3
The scripture shows us that there is a right way and a wrong way to grow older. A wrong way is to surrender to bitterness and regret, and to stop being productive in our service to the Lord. A right way can be found in I Peter 5. Peter identifies himself as one who is going along on the same road as those to whom he is writing. He too was growing older, heading toward the final glory, and he wanted to make sure that those latter years were as productive as possible. He stated that the elders of the church needed to be about the work of feeding the flock. How does that apply to us? As we grow older we are to be setting an example that the younger members of the church can follow. We do well to take seriously the gravity of this responsibility.
Feeding the flock involves loving one another and setting an example that others can follow. The Bible says in verse 2 of the above passage that we do this not because we have to, but because Christ has called us to – and because it’s the proper response to the call of God in our lives. We don’t serve out of greed or for the love of money, but rather we serve the Lord because He has called us into His service. Therefore, we seek to feed the flock of the Lord: spiritually, emotionally, lovingly, gently, and with sound faith and doctrine. When we set an example for others to follow, we are taking to heart a stance also taken by Paul the Apostle when he challenged others to follow his lead, for he was following Christ. I Thessalonians 1:6 says,
“You became imitators of us and the Lord; in spite of severe suffering.”
Setting an example for others will involve so solid a witness that we do not mind at all, in fact we welcome, someone watching us as an example of the faith. We don’t lord it over one another, but rather we look to Jesus and the ultimate reward of the faith which is heaven one sweet day. Do not forget that the world is watching to see if we are sincere in out faith. Younger and less mature believers are looking for examples of how mature Christians live and conduct themselves. Will we take on this responsibility? Will we so place Christ first in our lives that we are willing to be examples of the faith? As we seek to grow in the faith, do not forget those who need encouraged along the way. Reach out, pull them up, come alongside them with a reminder of God's grace and patience, and be a living and breathing example of what genuine faith in the Lord looks like.
In a sin-darkened and troubled world, followers of Jesus have the opportunity to demonstrate that there is a better way - the way of the cross. Resolve to take up the cross daily and walk with the Lord. Become the example which Christ has called us to be.