Thursday, February 18, 2010

Providing Life Lessons to Those who are Seeking

Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance.  -Proverbs 1:5

The Bible says that if a person is wise that he will listen and will add to his learning.  So much of what we teach those around us is through example.  I have found myself out in public before and realized that someone is watching me.  I was being watched because I was on camera.  I have read that these days just about everywhere we go there are cameras watching and recording our every move.  No doubt you have seen on the news, as I have also, the actions of people who were unaware that they were being filmed, and their behavior was shocking and embarrassing.  This makes me think about something: When I find myself in a situation where I have the opportunity to do the right thing or conduct myself in Christ-like manner, I picture myself being filmed.  I then imagine my behavior being replayed for everyone to see.  Would I be pleased with how the situation went, or would I be mortified?  My hope is that the world would see in me a positive witness for the Lord, and that others could use that as a lesson in the faith.  

These opportunities will come our way every day that we are out in the world.  The Bible teaches that we are in the world, but we are not of the world.  We have weapons and we fight battles, but they are not the same weapons and not the same battles as the world fights.  We are to handle life and its challenges differently from those who do not have the Lord in their lives.  What about this concept of providing examples for others – for younger believers?  Don’t we have a God-given responsibility to demonstrate for younger believers what mature faith looks like?  Indeed we do.
Last week I went with Andrea to a doctor appointment, and they were running way behind.  We sat there a good while before we were finally informed that our wait would be even longer.  I had not eaten, was getting tired, and becoming more irritable by the minute.  I thought to myself that maybe I would just go to that window and give those folks a piece of my mind; just really tell them off.  I was pacing around in the hallway outside the office and growing angrier by the minute, and I felt the Lord communicating something to me. Here is what I felt the Lord was telling me: “If you want to go in there and tell someone off, bawl someone out, raise your voice and have a fit, you go right ahead.  But understand this: If you do that, you will be completely on your own; I will have no part of it.”  I stood there a while and soon recalled a wonderful verse: I Peter 5:5 which says, 

“But God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”  

As I thought about that verse, the Lord moved in my heart and I knew that if took that attitude, that the Lord would be with me all of the way.  When I chose to take the humble and Christ-like approach, I found a peace in the midst of my frustration - a wonderfully calming peace.  The Lord saved me from making a scene and being a terrible example of the faith.  That would not have been a good witness for me at all.  These kind of life lessons are always before us.  We have an opportunity to show the world what a sincere and honest follower of Christ looks like. And we can let others see Jesus in us.

As growing and maturing followers of Christ, we are called to take the lead and set an example of the faith as we are commanded in scripture.  Take on the mind of Christ.  When faced with a challenge or when our patience and faith are tested, resolve to be like Jesus in every way.  The peace of the Lord will then settle upon us and we will have the victory - and we will be strengthened along the way.