Sunday, December 27, 2009

Many Have Still Not Heard

Do you not know?   Have you not heard?
-Isaiah 40:28

              We make a terrible mistake if we assume that everyone has heard about salvation in Jesus Christ.  Many people have no idea about the love of the Lord Jesus and how they can be saved through Him.  Christ has called us to go and tell others of His mercy and grace.  We have been given a divine commission to share with those around us about salvation in Christ Jesus, but do we not also have a responsibility as followers of Christ to grow in Him?  We certainly do.  We are called to be ever growing in our faith in the Lord Jesus. 
              Isaiah the Prophet poses this question: "Do you not know?"  It's as though the prophet had trouble comprehending that anyone did not know of the love and power of God.  Sometimes we feel the same way.  My heart goes out to the unbeliever.  I honestly feel a burden for them.  I think about what an empty way of life that would be - not having God in my life.  Frankly I wonder if there are any true atheists in the world today.  You know what military chaplains have said for a long time; there are no atheists in foxholes.  When life gets rough to whom will they turn?  Hopefully, they will turn to the Lord.
              Never assume that the people around us have heard about the love of Christ and the mercy and grace He offers.  Countless people have not heard, and they stand in need of salvation.