Thursday, February 4, 2010

Looking for Direction without a Compass or a Roadmap

Go now, write it on a tablet for them, inscribe it on a scroll, that for the days to come it may be an everlasting witness.  These are rebellious people, deceitful children, children unwilling to listen to the Lord's instruction.                                                              -Isaiah 30:8, 9

The Lord told the prophet Isaiah to write these words down on a tablet so that no one would ever forget about it.  They were to remember for all generations what the Lord had said.  God pointed out to them that they were behaving like rebellious people, deceitful children, and children unwilling to heed the Lord’s instruction.  I recall a boy I went to school with when I was a child, and his name was Michael.  He was, as the old saying goes, “mean as a snake.”  You know the type I am sure.  What I remember about Michael is when we were in the 4th grade, he had acted up so terribly in class, fighting with other boys and not paying attention, that the teacher, Mrs. Flory, banished him to the hallway for the rest of the day.  Michael told Mrs. Flory that he couldn’t move the desk by himself (It was one of those where the chair was attached to the desk, and they were heavy), so she selected two boys from the class to help Michael move his desk and books into the hallway.  Michael then proceeded to whip the two boys chosen for the job.  My memory of Michael is that he was incorrigible.  After a year or two he was no longer at our school anymore and I have no idea what ever became of him.  But what I recall is that he was rebellious, he could be deceitful, and he would not listen to sound instruction.

God said that this described His people perfectly. They were unwilling to listen to His instruction.  They claimed to want to know where they were going, but they refused a road-map or a compass.  They were simply wandering aimlessly.  To me, that is like being lost, asking someone for directions, and then refusing to believe what we’re told.  Imagine saying, "Oh no; that can’t be right.  I don’t want to hear that.  Go up this road, turn left, and then make a right?  No, no, I don’t want to do that – in fact that’s not what I wanted to hear at all.  I’ll just keep going my way and stay lost."  In Christ we can always know where we are going – forward in His will.  The details will be worked out along the way. 

When we cease from desiring to hear the Word of the Lord we run the risk of rebelliousness toward God, and the Lord has not, will not, and never will bless a rebellious heart and attitude.  What does God bless?  He blesses a humble spirit that has surrendered to Him.  The Bible says in I Peter 5:5 that God opposes the proud, but God gives grace to the humble.  Remember that when you are in a time of testing and you feel like saying or doing something you know you might later regret.  “God gives grace to the humble.
We are to look up, for the Lord is our help, our strength, and our strong and mighty tower.  I love what Psalm 18:29 says; “With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.”  Nothing can stop us when the Lord is on our side.  Nothing can come against us and defeat us, for the Lord is with us.  The enemy might be encamped all around and coming straight at me, I might be woefully out numbered.  That doesn’t matter, because I have the Lord, and I will not run and hide nor cower in fear, but will advance toward the enemy in confidence.  Trust in the Lord and move forward.  He will bless, guide, and place us where we are to be.