Saturday, March 28, 2015

Your Attitude May Ignite the Needed Spark

Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. –II Corinthians 7:1

As a pastor, I try to stay current on issues facing Christians.  Here in America, we are seeing a slow decline in church attendance and baptisms, which has been happening for decades.  Present research indicates that 70% of churches in America are in decline.  To combat this, many congregations are adopting the seeker friendly form of worship, which involves replacing traditional worship with a more relaxed, informal, and casual style. 

Let me challenge you today to consider that whatever form of worship your church is practicing, and while I am at it, whatever denomination your church affiliates with, you personally seek a deeper relationship with Christ.  Your attitude might create a spark that could reignite people around you to also seek a closer walk with the Lord.  What I observe is discouragement and exhaustion.  I see this among believers and non-believers alike.  Never have I seen people so overwhelmed with the stresses of life.  If there was ever a time to seek personal peace through Jesus Christ, the time is now.

Perhaps your church is facing decline.  You may feel discouraged over this.  Take a moment and pray for your pastor today.  I assure you, your pastor needs prayer.   Pray also for your attitude that it will be a reflection of God’s grace in you.  Pray that Jesus’ light will shine so brightly in your life that it will positively affect those around you.  Resolve to be positive in the face of whatever challenges you are facing.  Pray for spiritual renewal in your congregation.  Pray that your church, whether it has 50 or 1000 attending, will be a place where Christ is exalted, lives are changed, and the community is blessed by its presence.

Why do you think churches all across the country are declining?  I welcome your thoughts on the subject.  I also welcome any other matter you would like to get off your chest.  Share your burden and leave it with the Lord.  I welcome the opportunity to pray for you today.  As always, you may post anonymously.  I hope you leave feeling better than before.

God bless you today.

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