I love studying Samuel of the
Old Testament. He was a tireless servant, an outspoken prophet,
and a fiery preacher of God’s Word. He began as a baby, dedicated
to God from his birth. Can you imagine his mother Hannah’s feelings
as she took the child she had so earnestly prayed for and gave him back
to God (See I Samuel chapters 1 and 2)? I cannot imagine such
depths of faith, love, and personal sacrifice. She promised God that if He gave her a child she would
give the child back to God. She was good to
her word. Because of her faithfulness,
God blessed her. Moreover, God blessed the nation of Israel because
they soon had a prophet of God among them who spoke the truth, a man of God unlike
anyone they had seen for a long time.
29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
Unless there is a vision, a word from God, the people will indeed perish.
We lose hope, we lose sight of what God calls us to do, and we lose
our zeal for proclaiming the gospel. We need the word preached
with prophetic voice and God-inspired vision.
The Bible says in I Samuel the child Samuel was ministering
before the Lord. Imagine that; a little boy doing the work of
a priest. However, he was doing a far better
job than those in charge. I Samuel 3:1 says the Word of the Lord
was precious (rare) in those days. There was no open vision.
Try to imagine a world where no one preached the gospel or proclaimed
the truths of God’s Word. This is a harsh judgment upon the
world and upon a people. When this happens, people lose all hope
of a better and brighter day. What is it that has long given people
hope of a better and brighter day? It is hope in the Living God
– hope and faith that God Almighty will again pour out His Spirit
upon an unworthy people. He has done it; He still does it, and
let us pray God continues to do so.
Do not lose your God-given vision, my friends.
Seek the Lord and you will find Him. Pray in faith and listen
for the still, small voice of the Lord. Renewed spiritual power
and a fresh touch from God are available. Be encouraged and walk
forward in faith.
God bless you today.