45 And I will walk at liberty:
for I seek thy precepts. 46 I
will speak of thy testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed.
–Psalm 119:45, 46 (KJV)
I hope everyone had a nice fourth of July.
Each year on this day I again thank the Lord for the freedoms we hold
dear. Have you considered how fortunate we are? We are free
to worship God as we see fit without government intrusion or interference.
This Sunday we are free to worship in the church of our choice.
On the other hand, we are free not to worship. Such is the nature
of religious freedom. Many countries around the world lack such
freedom. Let us pray we are able to keep this freedom which was
paid for by the sacrifices of many.
Many years ago, I worked for a company alongside
someone who was not a person of faith. One day we were having a
conversation and she said something I thought to be singularly profound.
She said, “Dan, I may not agree with what you say about God and religion,
but I will fight to the death your right to say it.” It occurred
to me that if my right to say I believe in God is taken away, then ultimately
her right to say she doesn’t believe is threatened as well.
I lost touch with her after moving to another state, so I do not know
if she ever came to faith in Christ, but I still recall her words.
Just the other night in Wednesday prayer meeting at church,
we were discussing how we win people to Christ. As Christians,
we will never reach people through coercion, threats, harassment, or
intimidation. Instead, we show them the love of Jesus Christ.
Furthermore, we are free to reach out to those around us in love as
a demonstration of faith put into action. Feed the poor, minister
to the sick, visit the prisoners, encourage the afflicted, clothe the
needy, lift up the fallen, and live out the teachings of Jesus.
Be thankful for our freedom, for it was purchased
at great cost. Also, be thankful for salvation in Jesus Christ,
for He paid a great price as well – His life for ours.
God bless you today.