10 For he seeth that wise men die,
likewise the fool and the brutish person perish, and leave their wealth
to others. 11 Their inward
thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever, and their dwelling
places to all generations; they call their lands after their own names. 12 Nevertheless
man being in honour abideth not: he is like the beasts that perish.
–Psalm 49:10-12 (KJV)
Ask about anyone over the age of 50 and they
will know who Bill Haley was. Bill Haley was one of the pioneers
of rock and roll music. His early influence on the genre became
legendary and his songs sold millions of copies. Many people dream
of what they would do if they ever attained such fame and wealth.
However, reports indicate Bill Haley died a recluse with little contact
with the world. One source stated he lived the latter years of
his life in such solitary seclusion that upon his death his neighbors
did not know who he was. Most of them did not realize they were
living near a music legend.
God’s Word reminds us of how people from
all walks of life die each day. Those with great wealth then leave
their riches to others. Many mistakenly believe their wealth will
sustain them and provide happiness and security through their lives.
Sadly, they realize this is not the case, as people like Mr. Haley demonstrate.
In the end, their great wealth could not provide the peace, joy, and
happiness people typically desire. How do I know Bill Haley was
an unhappy man? The answer is I do not. I only know that
shutting ourselves off from other people and living lives of seclusion
usually indicates inner turmoil. I have known people who were
always seeking to give of themselves and strived to make a continual
positive difference in the world. These persons are by all indications
happy and well adjusted.
Christ calls us to step out on faith and
be a part of the world by making a positive difference in it.
As long as we are physically able, we benefit from rising up each day
and seizing the opportunities before us for personal and spiritual growth.
We shine the light of Christ to a lost and hurting world through being
out among those who need this light, not by shutting ourselves off from
the world. I have no idea the struggles you may be facing right
now. Yet, I do know that withdrawing from others and the light
of day will only dampen your outlook. Christ empowers us to stand
and move forward to the brighter day He has promised.
Jesus Christ helps us to overcome the mountains
we face. Christ empowers us to go forward when we feel like giving
up. Resist the urge to quit. Stand firm and go forward.
You have much to live for. Go forward in Jesus’ name.
God bless you today.