And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge,
that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. –Ephesians
3:19 (KJV)
I have been contemplating lately the power of Christ’s
love. The love of Christ functions in the heart of the believer.
This love then radiates from us and around us. Jesus said this
is how the world will know we are His disciples, if we love one another
(John 13:35). If we are truly in Christ, His love will be evident
in our lives. I can say I love my wife, yet I demonstrate my love
in tangible ways. I help around the house, I tend to her if she
is sick, we spend time together, and I do something nice for her on
anniversaries and birthdays. The same goes with my love for family,
friends, the church, and those around me who do not know Christ.
We prove love’s authenticity through demonstration.
Christ did this for the world through sacrificing
His life on the cross of Calvary. Through faith, His love instills
itself in the deepest recesses of the heart. It occurred to me
that being empowered by Christ’s love might not be descriptive enough.
I now think in terms of Christ’s love overpowering us. I have
heard people speak of falling into a sin as though they had no power
or control of themselves. They speak correctly, for the flesh
also overpowers people. If we are not careful, the power of the
flesh carries us away leaving us helpless to resist. The consequences
can be catastrophic with the loss of marriage, family, and fellowship
with God.
The good news is Christ’s love also overpowers
the believer. Through faith, we walk in the Spirit rather than
the flesh, and we walk in faith rather than self. This overpowering
love is Christ’s love functioning in us. Such love produces
peace, for love drives out hatred. Christ’s love produces joy,
for love overcomes worry. Christ’s love instills confidence,
for love overcomes anything which produces bitterness, doubt, and fear.
My prayer for you is to experience the overpowering love of Christ today.
It makes all the difference.
God bless you.