Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Will We Be Faithful and Obedient?

Abraham answered, "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son."
-Genesis 22:8

              Imagine for a moment if the Lord gave you something that was extremely precious and of great value.  Imagine that the Lord had been for a long time telling you that He was going to give this to you.  You waited and waited and finally the promise came to be.  God gave to you just what He said that He would.  Well, imagine if then the Lord told you that He wanted you to give it back.  Do you think you could do it?  Would you be faithful to what the Lord was telling you to do?  Think about what is most valuable to you; what would you do if the Lord told you that He wanted you to give that to Him?  What would be our response to such a demand?  For Abraham, this was not a request; it was a direct command from the Lord.  I dare say that many of us would have great difficulty doing what the Lord told us to do in such circumstances.  

              However, we will find that Abraham was faithful; instead of questioning God, he did just what the Lord told him to do.  God had a plan that Abraham could not see at that time.  So it is with us; the Lord has a plan, He has a purpose for our lives that we cannot see until we get to it.  Until then we are called by God to be faithful and trust in Him no matter what.  Because Abraham was faithful and obedient to what the Lord told him to do, he was blessed.  God kept His promise.  God will do the same in our lives when we trust in Him.