Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Maintaining a Balanced Spiritual Diet

But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.  -Daniel 1:8 (KJV) 

Last week in the midst of a hectic schedule I had to resort one day to eating lunch at a buffet.  The food was wonderful, and I did what many of us do in these places; I ate a little too much.  It so happened the next day Andrea and I met with relatives who were in town for the weekend, and once again I found myself in a buffet facing the temptation not to overeat.  Again, the food was delicious, yet after two straight days of eating such rich food I felt run down and full.  I resolved it will be a while before I indulge myself in this way.  I try to maintain a healthy diet and eating too much rich food is counterproductive to this practice. 

Daniel of the Old Testament faced a similar dilemma in regards to his diet.  Not only did he wish to avoid the unclean food served to him by his Babylonian captors, he also desired to eat food which was more nutritious.  He knew all the rich food being served would work negatively on his physical and emotional condition.  The Word of God says Daniel then suggested to his captors an experiment; for ten days he and his companions would abstain from the food served to the king’s servants and would instead eat only vegetables.  At the end of the allotted time the two groups of men would be examined to see who was healthier.  Following the ten days the two groups were brought in an examined.  Daniel and his companions were clearly in better health than those who had partaken of the richer and less healthy foods (Daniel 1:15). 

Maintaining a balanced diet is God honoring because we are taking better care of our bodies, which according to Scripture are temples of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 3:16, 6:19).  Consider also we are to expand such discipline to what we allow into our hearts and minds.  All around us are forces which seek to distract us from God’s Word and His will for our lives.  What we see, read, look upon, and contemplate can also either feed our spirits or draw us away from God.  When we are daily being fed by the Word of God and prayer we are then being provided with spiritual nutrition which will empower us to victorious Christian living.  

Be careful not to fall victim to the ungodliness and unbelief which surrounds us.  Instead, be daily fed by the Word of God.  Spiritual strength, health, and vitality will follow.  Be strong in the Lord and walk forward today in the power of His Spirit. 

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